Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Which would you choose?" or "Analysis Paralysis"

alrighty then.. above are three thumbnail versions of the same page..
pop quiz (for the two peeps who read this.. Steve and Rory).. which one should I finish up? Or should I take parts of each and make another version?




Flint Lockjaw said...

Left you a message on your cell. I vote number 2. It flows better...storytelling wise for me.

Anonymous said...

I tried leaving you a comment, but apparently only sent you an email, and I'm not sure I have the correct email address for you in my brain.

Therefore, I feel compelled to tell you that the third example is my favorite... I like the simplicity of the two panels on top, and what they contained, and I find the bottom half of example page three to be the most fun to look at.

Three for me!
