Friday, November 03, 2006

been drawing (some) just not posting.. however I haven't drawn every day so... one more time up the hill..
anyway.. tonight I 'built a set' for the first vignette in my western strip.. google sketchup.. it's free, it's fully 3 dimensional modeling and it's pretty damn cool.. if you draw anything with a repeating set (inside or out) I fully recommend mocking up the set with this thingy..
here's some 'flattened' jpegs of the set..


rory said...

Is it pretty easy to figure out ? I've done NOTHING using 3D and I've heard this is a pretty useful tool . I would like to build some space ships , etc, and use them for the comic.

Gary Fitzgerald said...

there are tutorials built into it... they're available when you open it up.
very easy.. you make shapes and then you draw 'cutouts' on them and
then you can push/pull/eliminate the shapes..
and you can also download other peoples models (spaceships, whole
streets etc) and use parts of them, or join them together and stuff

and it's free.. have a play with it..

Anonymous said...

Have to try this too...